Affiliate Center | Link Optimization

Did you know that where you place your banners and text links could be just as important as what they say? As a Shutterfly Affiliate, you’ll benefit from our expertise in web content and enjoy:

Prominent Placements: Shutterfly banners and text links that are featured prominently (i.e., homepage, category specific, exit pages) receive higher conversion rates. Also, consider Shutterfly as a featured merchant on your homepage.

“Above the Fold” placement: We encourage you to place Shutterfly banner ads above the fold (so that the ads can be viewed without scrolling down the page); this also separates them from clutter.

Large Banners Convert: Larger banners drive twice as many customers to Shutterfly. Shutterfly offers large 120×600 and 300×250 sized banners for your use.

Dynamic Rich Media: Take advantage of our Dynamic Rich Media (DRM). With DRM, Shutterfly automatically updates dynamic texts and banners with our latest customer promotions. You won’t need to constantly update your links, remember offer expiration dates, or search for the latest sales. We’ll do all the work while you earn the commissions!

Fresh Creative: If you are currently not using our DRM, we suggest that you update your banners and text links on a regular basis to keep your customers interested. Fresh creative leads to higher conversion rates.

Text Links: It’s proven that text links have high conversion rates. Be sure you include a Shutterfly text link in your opt-in email or newsletter. Also, cover Shutterfly in an ecommerce-related article.

Best Converting Links: We have learned that our best converting banners are in the following categories:

  • Dynamic Rich Media links that feature our latest customer deals
  • Best Converting banners and text links featuring a variety of links have proven to have high sell-through rates
Be sure to use these banners to help you maximize your commission earnings.

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