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When to Have a Baby Shower

Figuring out when to have a baby shower can be frustrating. Balancing guests and the honoree’s schedules while planning activities is hard enough. Adding in a narrow window of pregnancy often makes it feel impossible. We know that throwing a baby shower is supposed to be about celebrating the joy of new life and a growing family. It definitely shouldn’t be stressful. That’s why we’ve created this resource for planning a baby shower. It will help you pick date and schedule, so you can focus on your game of baby bingo.

a baby shower invitation and candy

When to Have a Baby Shower

Most people agree that anytime between 24 and 32 weeks (six to eight months) is the best time to throw a baby shower. Your baby shower schedule will likely depend on several factors including invited guests, time of year, and of of course the honoree’s preference for the date and time.

Setting a Date and Time for Your Baby Shower

So when should you throw an upcoming baby shower? It depends. The host of the baby shower has to consider several different things before settling on a final date. These include the due date, seasonal issues, and details as small as hosting the baby shower for brunch or happy hour.

Seasonal Factors that Affect Baby Showers

  • Certain seasons can affect when you host a baby shower. For instance, the holiday season can make it especially difficult to find a time with everyone in town. Consider using a digital scheduling tool in order to organize friends and family in a busy season.
  • Spring and summer are great seasons to plan an outdoors baby shower, but picking the right day is key. Too hot or too cold, and the mother you’re honoring could be miserable at her own party. And if you’re unlucky enough for an unexpected rain at your baby shower you’ll need to move the party elsewhere.
  • Try not to plan the shower around any holiday where the Mom to be might already be getting gifts. She may love the customized fleece baby blanket you got her, but she’d probably rather get something just for her as a birthday present.

Best Time of Week for a Baby Shower

Many hosts opt for a weekend date to host a baby shower. Weekends are often ideal because less people have work scheduled and are able to attend. Saturdays and Sundays are also the time-honored choice, so more traditional mothers will likely prefer this option. If you do opt for a more traditional baby shower, be sure to check out our guide to baby shower etiquette.

In cases of busy weekends or many friends and family being available during the week, you may choose to host the baby shower on a weekday. If so, make it clear to guests well in advance that you have done so in order for them to plan ahead.

Best Time of Day for a Baby Shower

The classic time to host a baby shower is lunchtime, but recently tradition has given way to several different options. Some women prefer a slightly earlier time to celebrate and enjoy hosting a brunch. Others loved hosting a ‘happy hour’ shower with plenty of baby-themed mocktails at sunset. Picture what kinds of activities you want to host at the party. If your list includes a picnic in the park, plan for lunch!

Things to Consider in Your Baby Shower Schedule

Details like the timeline behind ordering your baby shower invites and flight schedules can affect the timing of your baby shower. Stay on top of your plans with these tips:

Reasons for Throwing an Earlier Baby Shower

  • It’s hard to do any additional baby shopping late in a pregnancy. Hosting a baby shower earlier in a mother’s pregnancy will allow her the time to buy supplies that she wasn’t gifted during the baby shower.
  • Some mothers said they wished they held their baby showers earlier in their pregnancies because they were too tired to celebrate. Hosting a shower close to the due date often makes it hard on an exhausted, expectant mother.
  • Babies are on their own schedule. You don’t want to risk too late of a baby shower in case of early deliveries. If the mother has a high risk of premature labor, make sure to consider that when setting a date.
  • Throwing an earlier baby shower can help the mother feel picture perfect. While a soon to be mother loves showing off her baby bump through a photoshoot, she doesn’t want to look too tired in her baby shower photo book.

a baby shower invitation, picture, and toys

Reasons for Hosting a Later Baby Shower

  • Hosting a later baby shower is a great way to make the excitement last until the very end of the pregnancy. Garden themed games and DIY crafts are extra fun when the due date is just around the corner, so this can be a great option for mothers who haven’t asked for an earlier baby shower.
  • Remember that some mothers prefer a baby shower in their eighth month of pregnancy in case of any prenatal concerns. The later the shower the more secure the mother will feel about her baby.
  • Waiting until later in the pregnancy means the mother will know more about her child, including the gender. This can be a fun piece of information to include in the festivities, whether that be through a baby blue cake or tutu themed party favors.

The Number of Invited Guests can Affect your Baby Shower

For every guest you invite to the baby shower, a new and unique schedule has to be added to the planning. Even when using a scheduling tool, too many people can make picking a date for a baby shower difficult. Prioritizing the guest list will help you finalize a date and time to put on those baby shower announcements.

Guests with Travel Plans on the Baby Shower Guest List

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to plan a baby shower, you won’t be able to make it fit with everyone’s busy schedule. If a friend or member of the family is out of town during the day of the baby shower, you can still have them join the party. Facetime and Skype are both inexpensive ways to have these VIP’s join the fun virtually.

The Most Important Part of Planning a Baby Shower

We get it. It’s hard work to get friends and family all together and to know when to plan a baby shower. Just remember: the most important thing is knowing what the mother-to-be wants. As long as she feels celebrated by the people she loves, you’ve planned a successful baby shower.