Don’t forget your holiday greeting cards even when the season gets hectic! Deciding what to write and how to decorate them may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. In the end, personalization comes down to writing in your own voice and going with a holiday card design that speaks to you. Your loved ones will love hearing from you with a meaningful printed holiday card. Discover our card selection while holiday shopping and add your favorite memories from the past year to your card.
Personalized Christmas cards and holiday photo cards are a way to show off how your family has grown, new places you’ve visited, and new milestones like buying a house. Before you get started, take some time to gather your materials and get organized—stamps, address labels, and your favorite pen, for starters. Once you’ve decided on your mailing list, turn on some holiday tunes for a warm afternoon of writing holiday cards. Keep browsing below for the perfect holiday greeting card ideas.
What To Write In Holiday Cards | Classic Holiday Greetings | Holiday Greetings For Friends | Holiday Greetings For Family | Holiday Greetings For Coworkers | Funny Holiday Greetings
What To Write In Holiday Greeting Cards
Holiday card messages typically include several basic sentiments and a few optional embellishments. The overall message wishes your loved one a wonderful holiday season and joy in the new year ahead. You can also choose to include information about your own family, life milestones, and big news from the past year. The length of your note should coincide with how much space you have to write on the design of the personalized card or if you plan to include an insert—keep this in mind if you’re using a holiday photo card.
Additionally, consider your audience and your own personality when choosing the tone as well. Playful holiday card messages are best for friends and family, and classic sentiments are best for a more professional approach for coworkers.
To sum up:
- Send warm wishes for the holidays and new year
- Reference your family or coworkers if you’re sending the card from a group
- Consider different tones of voice for different audiences
- Keep your greeting card layout in mind when choosing the length of your message
Classic Holiday Greetings
Classic custom cards are a simple way to keep your messages warm and sincere no matter who receives your notes. Stick to the classic greeting when you’re writing to a neighbor or your child’s teachers. From Christmas and Hanukkah cards to holiday party invitations, you can keep messages simple and traditional with family members and old friends.
- Wishing you and your family a holiday season filled with comfort and joy.
- In this festive season of gratitude, thank you for all you bring to our lives.
- Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and yours.
- Letting you know we are thinking of you this holiday season and all you bring to our lives.
- Sending you holiday wishes as we enter this season of joy, hope, and love.
- May the spirit of the holidays fill your home with light and love. Happy Hanukkah!
- The greatest gift is having love and community in our lives. Have a wonderful holiday, my friend.
- Many blessings in the new year to you and your family!
- I hope your holidays are filled with the comfort of home, the love of family, and the joy of the season.
- I am so grateful to have you in our lives. Cheerful holidays from our whole family to yours.
Holiday Greetings For Friends
Break the formality a bit with friends new and old. When writing messages for friends, think back through the past year and the role they’ve played in your life. Have you not touched base in some time? Are they just around the corner and a large part of your community? Tailor your message to their current role in your life. This is also a great way to invite them to your holiday party—your greeting card can serve double duty as a party invitation.
- I am so grateful to have you as a trusted and supportive friend. May you have a lovely holiday and a joyous new year!
- Near or far, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Sending you love this holiday season.
- Good tidings to you, my friend! May you enjoy a season of love, comfort, and joy!
- Through thick and thin, I couldn’t ask for a better friend by my side. Have a wonderful holiday!
- Cannot wait to ring in another new year with you as my best friend. Cheers!
- Cookies, cocoa, and eggnog! Let’s celebrate!
- Here’s to another season of merrymaking! Thank you for always being the best friend a person could ask for.
- It’s the season of gratitude and I am grateful for you, my friend!
- Have yourself the merriest of Christmases. Sending love across the country from my family to yours.
- I am so thankful to have a supportive person like you in my life. Have a restful holiday, my dear!
Holiday Greetings For Family
The holidays are the perfect time to reconnect with family members. Update your family with your new milestone, wish them a happy and loving holiday, and show your deep gratitude for their role in your life with a holiday thank you card. For extra personalization, include references to new developments in their life during the past year as well or make it a holiday photo card.
- Looking forward to another year of building family memories together.
- You are always in my thoughts and my heart. Sending love this Christmas season.
- Having you as my parents in the best present I could have ever asked for.
- We have so many beautiful blessings to celebrate this holiday season. Cheers to our incredible family.
- Sending you love and hugs from across the country during this season of gratitude.
- May you take this time to kick back and enjoy everything you’ve worked so hard for this year.
- I am so lucky to have you by my side as we enter yet another wonderful year together. Merry Christmas!
- Words cannot sum up how much you mean to me. A wonderful New Year to you!
- You’ve made my Christmases all the more magical by being in my life.
- I cannot wait to celebrate by your side this holiday season. Thank you for all you do for this family.
Holiday Greetings For Coworkers
As your year winds down and the holiday break is on the horizon, take the time to thank your colleagues for making your work a success. Whether you’re their manager or deskmate, check in with a personalized card that makes them feel appreciated. You can even pair it with a personalized gift as a Secret Santa present.
- You make your brilliant work look easy. Happy holidays and thank you for everything you do to make our company successful.
- I am honored to share an office with such a supportive coworker. Season’s greetings!
- May you have a restful break this holiday season!
- Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and yours. See you in the new year!
- We wouldn’t be a success without your creativity. Have a wonderful holiday season.
- Thank you for your constant dedication to the team. Take this holiday season to treat yourself to rest and rejuvenation.
- We are lucky to have you in our department. Thank you for all you’ve done this year.
- The warmest of holiday cheer for you and your family. Happy holidays!
- Looking forward to collaborating with you for years to come. Happy New Year!
- Cheers to another year of brilliant work. Enjoy your holiday season with the time off you deserve.
Funny Holiday Greetings
Why not show off your personality a bit more in your note cards? If you’re writing to a close family member, friend, or familiar colleague, break out your silly side for your unique Christmas cards. This is an excellent opportunity for a fun holiday photo card, as well. The unique greeting is sure to bring playful holiday cheer.
- Break out your Christmas pants! …And by that, I mean anything with an elastic waistband.
- Happy day-after-Christmas candy shopping to you!
- May Santa bring you another great addition to your coal collection this year.
- Enjoy this gift that you specifically sent me the link to buy for you. Merry Christmas!
- I decided to go with the original Christmas gift this year. Enjoy your myrrh!
- This is Claus for celebration! Merry Christmas!
- Remember, calories don’t count until January 2nd!
- My cats and I cordially invite you to our Christmas gathering on December 23rd.
- May you receive everything you left in your various carts around the internet this year.
- You have two weeks to get off of Santa’s naughty list. You got this.
Other Things To Include In Holiday Greeting Cards
Once you pick the central theme and message of your custom cards, consider a personal note for your loved one. You can thank them for a recent gift, make plans for the future, or announce something from your own life. You can even write a New Year’s card in early January. Use this as a closing note before wishing them well and signing your name.
- Mention where you traveled this year.
- Announce upcoming family events, like an anniversary or baby shower, or the arrival of a new baby with a birth announcement card.
- Thank them for their support throughout the year or for a thoughtful holiday present
- Include a photo of your family or new home.
- Include a list of things and people that you’re thankful for from the past year.
Express your personality by choosing holiday greeting card ideas that fit your unique style. You can include a serious, sentimental, or funny happy holiday card message that speaks to your taste. Explore unique designs with both traditional holiday imagery and abstract designs. You can also choose a photo for your custom cards that highlights the top moment from your past year, or even a collage print. Don’t forget about your pets either! Cat and dog holiday cards are a welcome arrival to anyone’s mailbox.
No matter which design you choose, plan out your printed or handwritten message based on the layout of the card. Opt for a blank card inside or on the back for plenty of writing space, for example. If you want to keep it simple, choose the same message for each card and have the message professionally printed.
Holiday greeting card messages are a lovely way to keep your network close. This season, set the tone for the year to come with a loving and custom card for everyone in your life.
Related Resources On Holiday Card Messages
For even more inspiration on how you can make the best holiday cards this year, make sure to visit our related resources below: