When planning a party, you need to have great food and great people. However, if you really want to make your party memorable for years to come, you’ll need great party games. We sometimes overlook the pure joy that can come out of playing a great party game with a room full of friends, so we have a list of the 40 best party games.
Whether you are looking for a nice, low-activity party game for adults, a fun jigsaw puzzle, or a wet and wild birthday party game for kids, there are thousands of fun party activities to choose from. By the time it takes you to pick the best one, your guests may have already left. But not to worry, because we have put together a list of 40 of the best party games you can play to entertain your guests. Use the filters to choose the size of your party, activity level, and type of game you are looking to play. You can plan your whole party around a fun game, like a family reunion Tug of War. Then, tell everyone in your personalized party invitations to be sure they come prepared for some laughter and fun.

Players ‘react’ to a made up scenario and others have to guess what it is.

Players try to guess the word that their teammate is drawing on a piece of paper on their back.

Children sit back to back in pairs and try to stand up together without using their hands.

Players try to lift a bag off the ground with nothing but their teeth. Their feet can’t leave the ground.

Couples guide their blindfolded partner to the prize using only words.

Players try to get their teammates to guess a movie, TV show, or person they are acting out - all without making a sound.

Each player must eat 5 cherries with their hands behind their backs.

Players spin around a baseball bat with their foreheads pressed against the bat handle. After getting dizzy, they attempt to hit a tennis ball.

Children (ducks) sit in a circle and one standing child chooses another to become the goose. The goose must chase the child around the circle and try to tag him/her.

Try to get others to guess the song you are playing using an instrument you don’t know how to play.

Children divide into two lines and attempt to transfer all of the water from a bucket at the start of the line to a measuring cup at the end. Whoever transfers the most wins.

Children dance when the music is on, but when it is turned off they must immediately freeze. Anyone caught still dancing is out.

One person draws a picture and the others try to guess what it is.

Any time the hat man/woman takes off his/her hat, everyone else must do the same.

Kids pass a ball to each other. One designated player sits eyes closed and then yells ‘hot potato’ at any random time. Whoever is stuck with the ball loses.

Players are each given an ice cube. Whoever can melt the icecube the quickest (without putting it in their mouths, stomping on it or using any equipment) wins.

Two competing teams try to blow a ping pong ball off of opponents’ side of the table.

Kids race to eat a piece of cake using only their mouth with their hands behind their back.

All players write down one thing they like and one thing they don’t like. Then you try to figure out who wrote what.

Players try to walk under a horizontal pole by leaning backward. They cannot fall or touch the pole.

Two teams must try to wrap a player in a roll of toilet paper.

Children parade around a group of chairs as music plays. When the music stops they must sit.

Players take turns writing a story adding one line at a time on a piece of paper.

If a guest is caught saying a forbidden word, they must give up their necklace to whoever catches them saying it.

Players attempt to pass an orange to the next person without using their hands.

Kids take turns sticking their hands into the party bag and trying to guess what the objects are.

Everyone tries to get a $10 bill with their arms all interlocked in a circle.

Children are blindfolded and attempt to tape a paper tail to a paper cut-out of a tail-less donkey that is on the wall.

Players take on the role of another person in the room. One person (the psychiatrist) has to figure out who they really are.

Kids race to the finish line, but can only run when the ‘traffic guard’ says so.

Take turns trying to make people laugh using only a rubber chicken.

All kids race to the finish line holding an egg on a spoon in their hands. Whoever crosses the finish line first without a broken egg wins.

Two teams stand on a line and attempt to grab a ball that is placed in the middle of the field. Whoever grabs the ball has to make it back to their line without the other team tagging them.

Throughout the night, players must stick stickers on other players without them noticing.

Teams compete to find hidden objects based on clues.

Two equal teams on either side of a rope attempt to pull it across the finish line.

Players are only allowed to ask 20 questions to correctly guess an object.

Players take turns saying two truths and one lie about themselves and other players have to guess which one is the lie.

Players whisper a phrase from one person to the next and try to keep it the same.

Players must guess the identity of the name written on a card they cannot see.
Wrapping Up
Whether you play these party games with your family or friends, these memories you create while playing these games will last a lifetime. Cherish all the moments you’ve spent together playing these games and make everlasting bonds with your loved ones. Be sure to capture these memories with pictures that you can add in a custom photo book and on film to reminisce on for years to come. For more ways to celebrate parties, browse our custom yard signs, bunting banners, selfie frames, and celebration photo boards.
Additional Personalized Games Resources: